writing paranormal fiction


So the first book is done, it’s out there in print and e-book versions and I took a big breath once it got  posted to Amazon. But I forgot to let it out. I’ve been known to hold my breath at critical moments. Just ask my one-time horseback riding instructor, Liz. Did it over the jumps every time. Well, I…

Porter’s Hollow Series News

Book cover, Bookmarks and Author’s Business Card These designs were done by my daughter Rebecca Magar along with the cover art for the book itself. Awesome, exciting stuff. This marketing thing can be fun. It lets you use your creative side in so many ways besides the writing. Love these. I am just so thrilled with the way things are…

jar and quills
UPDATE: Progress on “Porter’s Hollow” Book

I believe the final decision on the title is, “In the Shadow of Porter’s Hollow.” Confession–I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to this point. But, the rough draft is completed. It is novel length, over 57,000 words, and I am ready for the rewriting and editing stage. My mentor and inspiration Demi Stevens of http://yotb.press has it in her capable hands to…

Creating a Setting for Your Book
Creating Setting

Setting is more than just background in writing, it moves the story along as much as dialogue does. Setting provides texture, feel, ambiance, it invites the reader into the story physically. Setting intensifies fear, inspires awe, soothes or annoys even as sound in a movie does. It draws the reader in and captures the subconscious mind engaging all the senses, including that elusive sixth sense….