Photo Courtesy of solarisgirl
It’s been too long
since I took time to be mellow.
Living nose to the stone
grinding out a groove to make it all fit
(I keep starting new grooves).
Getting-on-with-it takes focus.
No time for garden variety contemplations,
or to stop and consider
the topsides of June blossoms.
I wonder what they’ll look like
when I’m pushing them up from underneath?
Precisely how long did it require you to create “Things
to Consider, Topside | Yvonne Schuchart | Fiction Author”?
It comes with an awful lot of excellent details. Thanks ,Katherin
The actual writing took a few hours to get it just right. However, I tend to chew on an idea, thought, or situation for days until it comes to fruition for a poem. Longer works take more thought and rewriting. But, I enjoy the process. Thank you for your comments, Katherin.