Author Tips

Helps and ideas for writers. Struggling writers, new writers, any writers.
“Let the Story Write Itself”

I have read more than once lately that a writer should “let the story write itself.” The premise being that you start with an idea and let it develop as you write. It sounded at first like some sort of metaphysical hooey. Like there was some spiritual experience involved between the writer and the word on the page. I thought,…

Creating a Setting for Your Book
Creating Setting

Setting is more than just background in writing, it moves the story along as much as dialogue does. Setting provides texture, feel, ambiance, it invites the reader into the story physically. Setting intensifies fear, inspires awe, soothes or annoys even as sound in a movie does. It draws the reader in and captures the subconscious mind engaging all the senses, including that elusive sixth sense….

Website Laptop
Writer’s Webinar

Okay, I have to confess. I just signed up for my very first webinar. I know I am way behind in the times, but only recently have found myself with enough time on my hands to try this. I signed up for Writer’s Digest’s “Do Your E-Book Right (and Start Making Money) by Jane Friedman. It is a 90 minute…

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