writing a story


It’s been a while since I posted because . . . I’ve been writing! And writing, and writing, and writing! And yes, the second draft is done! Yahooeee! I found it a difficult process. It’s hard to keep track of what you’ve written before and where it fits in the story. Have I said this before? Did I say it…

jar and quills
Writing the Rewrite

 The things that happen in Porter’s Hollow grow stranger every day. The rewrite is on and the hollow is perhaps a bit darker place than I realized at first. I plan to delve into it deeper in this book but, yes, in spite of myself–there will be another. And maybe more? The story deepens as I go begging more telling…

Creating a Setting for Your Book
Creating Setting

Setting is more than just background in writing, it moves the story along as much as dialogue does. Setting provides texture, feel, ambiance, it invites the reader into the story physically. Setting intensifies fear, inspires awe, soothes or annoys even as sound in a movie does. It draws the reader in and captures the subconscious mind engaging all the senses, including that elusive sixth sense….